Live Captions, Subtitles and Audio Translations
Using HLS

Leverage a highly cost-effective and scalable AI captioning and translation solution to distribute audiovisual content in multiple languages in real-time. Easily deliver live streams and events with enhanced accessibility and inclusivity on any device or screen.

Subtítulos y traducciones automáticas en directo para eventos virtuales e híbridos

Scalable End-to-end Captioning & Translation Solution for any industry

Streaming platforms
OTT media services
Event organizers
Houses of Worship

Accurate Live Captions & Translations powered by cutting-edge AI technology

Automatic live captions, foreign subtitles & AI voice translations (aka live AI dubs). Instant language scalability with no encoders or hardware. Support for 50+ source and 100+ target languages. Delivered in player in real-time.


One-Stop Platform to cover all captioning and translation needs

One-Stop Platform to Cover All Captioning and Translations Needs and meet accessibility requirements
Meet accessibility and language requirements for your live events
One-Stop Platform to Cover All Captioning and Translations Needs with instant language scalability
Add languages instantly with a simple workflow
One-Stop Platform to Cover All Captioning and Translations Needs to expand audience reach and increase viewership
Expand audience reach & increase viewership
One-Stop Platform to Cover All Captioning and Translations Needs with in-player delivery
In-player delivery options for desktop and mobile
One-Stop Platform to Cover All Captioning and Translations Needs with instant localization of live programming to 100+ languages
Localize live programming to 100+ languages

Adding SyncWords to your HLS live stream means: simple, scalable and instant delivery
of live captions, subtitles, and AI voice translations accessible to any viewer worldwide.

One-Stop Platform to Caption,
Translate and Deliver to HLS Live Streams

Highly cost-effective, scalable, fast and reliable solution to provide enhanced accessibility and inclusivity for any HLS streams. Compatible with standard HLS video players. Fully cloud-based, no hardware required. Compatible with AWS Elemental workflows.


Live AI Captioning

Automatic captions instantly available in 50+ languages. Unlike traditional broadcast/TV workflows, SyncWords AI captions support languages from all over the world, including Asian, Middle Eastern, and Cyrillic-based languages. Use custom dictionaries to enhance accuracy.

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Live CART Captioning

The SyncWords’ platform is compatible with all standard human captioning/CART systems. Use SyncWords Managed services or bring your own captioners to deliver captions to an HLS stream.


Live AI Subtitling

Use advanced machine translation capabilities to convert live AI captions to foreign subtitles in 100+ languages. Powered by SyncWords’ proprietary Sync technology, translated captions are delivered with no delay on any device. Seamless integration with current live streaming workflows.

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Live AI Voice Dubbing

Take translations to another level by instantly delivering live AI voice dubbing with any live HLS stream. Highly cost-effective & simple solution, with over 900 AI voice options for 50+ languages.

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Live HLS Streams

The SyncWords’ platform provides a simple way to pull and push HLS streams while adding perfectly synchronized captioning and language translations. The final HLS stream can include as many translated languages as needed using automated subtitling and voice dubbing.

No transcoding of video stream required to provide real-time captioning and translations. Run unlimited concurrent live streams, including HD and 4K UHD.

Take advantage of advanced HLS workflows such as DVR and DRM encryption using the SyncWords integration with AWS Elemental MediaPackage.

Solicitar demostración
One-Stop Platform to Caption, Translate and Deliver to HLS Live Streams

Principales ventajas de

SyncWords: Support for 50+ source languages
Support for 50+ source languages (including different character sets)
SyncWords: Translations to 100+ target languages
Live translations to 100+ target languages
SyncWords: Enhanced accuracy with ASR dictionaries & Translation Glossaries
Enhanced accuracy with ASR dictionaries & Translation glossaries
SyncWords: Highly cost-effective.
Compared to live interpreters
Highly cost-effective,
compared to live interpreters
SyncWords:Low-touch: no transcoding, no hardware, fully cloud-based
Poco intervencionismo: sin transcodificación ni hardware, totalmente basado en la nube
SyncWords: Instant language scalability
Escalabilidad lingüística instantánea
SyncWords: Unlimited concurrent streams
Unlimited concurrent streams
SyncWords: 24/7 availability
Hassle-free 24/7 availability
SyncWords: Delivery in any HLS player:
JWS, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js
Delivery in any HLS player:
JWS, THEOplayer, HLS.js, Video.js
SyncWords: Integration with popular live streaming platforms: AWS, Dacast, etc.
Integration with live streaming platforms: AWS, Dacast, etc.
SyncWords: Multiple display options for desktop & mobile
Múltiples opciones de visualización para escritorio y móvil
SyncWords: Multiple display options for desktop & mobile
Totalmente compatible con API para automatizar los flujos de trabajo
SyncWords: Support for HD & 4K live streams
Support for HD & 4K live streams
SyncWords: Several CDN publishing options
Several CDN destinations/ publishing options

Live AI Captions, Subtitles &
Voice Translations
All in the Same Player

Choose one or more options and provide users with
the best viewing experience possible on desktop and mobile devices.

Habilite subtítulos automáticos en directo, subtítulos y traducciones de voz directamente dentro de un reproductor de vídeo HLS para mejorar la inclusividad de su programación y eventos en directo. Utilice una o las tres salidas en función de sus necesidades.

live streaming with Instant scalability to 100+ languages
Instant scalability to 100+ languages
automated live captions, subtitles and voice translations in standard HLS players like JWP, THEOplayer, HLS. js, Video.js, etc.
Support for standard HLS players like JWP, THEOplayer, HLS.js, Video.js, etc.
Perfect live captioning, subtitling and AI dubbing solution for multiple video resolutions
Solución perfecta para múltiples resoluciones de vídeo
Easy switching between captions, subtitles and AI voice translations via your player menu
Easy switching between captions, subtitles and AI voice translations via your player menu
Live AI Captions, Subtitles & Voice Translations All in the Same Player

Effective Solutions for
Different Industries

Power any live stream or live event with automatic live captions, subtitles and voice translations using your existing HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) workflow. Easily customize or use the end-to-end live streaming solution for an accessible and inclusive viewing experience.

SyncWords real-time closed captions with AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage, DacastSyncWords real-time foreign subtitles with AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage, DacastSyncWords real-time AI voice translations with AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage, Dacast
SyncWords' automated live AI captions, subtitles and audio translations for AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage, Dacast workflows
SyncWords live automatic captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for AWS Elemental MediaLive live streaming
AWS MediaLive
SyncWords live automatic captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for AWS Elemental MediaPackage live streaming
AWS Media Package
SyncWords live automatic captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for Dacast live streaming
live streaming and live programming with automated live ai-powered captions, subtitles and voice translations
SyncWords' automatic live captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for sports live streaming
Live sports
SyncWords' automatic live captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for live conferences
Live conferences
SyncWords' automatic live captions, subtitles and AI voice translations for live news
24/7 News
automated real-time closed captions, subtitles and voice translations (AI audio dubbing) for any live stream or live event

Already using AWS Elemental? Looking to make your live streams accessible & inclusive 24/7?

Add SyncWords to your AWS Elemental workflow. SyncWords’ seamless integration into AWS Elemental MediaLive & MediaPackage means you can:

Auto-generate AI captions live in 50+ languages with enhanced accuracy for AWS Elemental workflows
Generación automática de subtítulos AI en directo en más de 50 idiomas con mayor precisión
Translate live streams to foreign subtitles in 100+ languages instantly
Traduce a subtítulos extranjeros en más de 100 idiomas al instante
Automatically provide live audio dubbing in 50+ languages with over 900 AI voice options for live streams and live events using AWS Elemental workflows
Doblaje automático de audio en directo en más de 50 idiomas con más de 900 opciones de voz IA
Leverage AWS Elemental MediaPackage DVR functionality while preserving live captions and translations
Aproveche la funcionalidad DVR de AWS Elemental MediaPackage conservando los subtítulos y las traducciones en directo
Use Amazon CloudFront as your CDN to publish captioned and translated live stream
Utilice Amazon CloudFront como CDN
Benefit from SyncWords’ RESTful API to streamline automatic live captioning, subtitling and AI dubbing process
Benefíciese de SyncWords' RESTful API
Más información
Add SyncWords to your AWS Elemental workflow. SyncWords’ seamless integration into AWS Elemental MediaLive & MediaPackage means you can:

Beyond HLS.
Support for Different Live Streaming Protocols

One-stop shop for automatic live captioning, subtitling and dubbing. Power accessible and inclusive live programming whether streaming via HLS, SRT, or RTMP(S).

RTMP(S) Streaming ProTOCOL

Embed CEA-608 captions in your live stream for instant delivery to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and other social media platforms with no encoders or complex workflows. Highly scalable to support unlimited concurrent live streams. Automate the captioning process with our RESTful API.

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SRT Protocolo de streaming

Secure Reliable Transport is a modern, secure and reliable way to deliver live streams. Add SyncWords to automatically live caption those streams. Perfect solution for virtual studios, remote live production, and software-based captioning. Support for unlimited concurrent live streams.

Más información
SyncWords: One-stop shop for automatic live captioning, subtitling and dubbing. Power accessible and inclusive live programming whether streaming via HLS, SRT, or RTMP(S).

Automatic Live Captioning & Translation Workflow Using HLS Streaming Protocol

Cost-effective solution for automatic live dubbing with natural-sounding AI voices. Seamless integration into existing streaming workflows. Perfect for 4K streaming.

Transmisión de vídeo HLS con SyncWords' subtítulos en directo, subtítulos y traducciones de voz mediante flujos de trabajo de AWS Elemental.
Client HLS
Video Stream
Subtitular y traducir con SyncWords en flujo de vídeo HLS
Logotipo de la plataforma SyncWords Live
Plataforma en directo
Live AI Captions &
SyncWordssubtítulos automáticos en directo y traducciones automáticas para retransmisiones en directo y eventos
Utiliza Amazon CloudFront o tu propia CDN para el subtitulado, subtitulado y doblaje de AI en directo
NO es necesario TRANSCODIFICAR el vídeo
Receives live video with
new Playlist to include
Generación automática de subtítulos y traducciones de voz en directo en el reproductor de vídeo HLS

This live captioning solution by passes the need for expensive CC hardware and adds the ability to provide subtitles and AI voice translations in 100+ simultaneous languages per channel

+100 idiomas simultáneos por canal

Esta solución de subtitulado en directo elimina la necesidad de un costoso hardware de CC y añade la capacidad de proporcionar subtítulos y traducciones de voz AI en más de 100 idiomas simultáneos por canal.

Monetizing Live Streams and Broadcasts with GenAI-Powered Translations

Maximize revenue with SyncWords' cutting-edge Live AI subtitling and voice dubbing solutions, tailored for live news, sports, and programming using the HLS protocol. Reach global audiences effortlessly with scalable, cost-effective multilingual AI-generated subtitles and audio translations - no additional hardware or per-channel licensing needed. Lower operational costs, boost viewer engagement, and accelerate growth. Trusted by live streaming providers, broadcast TV networks, OTT platforms, and content creators to deliver seamless experiences for diverse, international audiences.

License live streams and expand global reach with multilingual live AI subtitles and voice translations, enabling international distribution
Attract international sponsors by localizing live video content with multilingual translations to attract global audiences
Boost engagement & increase ad impressions with accurate real-time subtitles and voice translations for live streams
Accelerate subscription growth by offering multilingual content for  global audiences
Extend viewing times with real-time AI-generated subtitles and audio translations, delivering seamless multilingual experiences for viewers
Lower operational costs and increase profit margins with automated live subtitling and voice dubbing solutions, adding cost-effective real-time translations for live events and programming
Más información

Use SyncWords’ robust API to add
AI captions & translations to
live streams

SyncWords’ API empowers you to seamlessly manage your streaming services within the SyncWords Live platform. Whether you're setting up new services, accessing service details, making updates, or monitoring real-time status, our RESTful API streamlines the process:

Integration into your existing live streaming software application
Compatibilidad con los formatos de datos JSON y YAML
Comprehensive information on API endpoints and authentication
Postman collection with detailed documentation with quick start guides
Implementación de Swagger
Más información
Use SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streamsUse SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streamsUse SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streamsUse SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streams
Use SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streamsUse SyncWords’ robust API to add AI captioning & translation to live streams

HLS Streaming with WebVTT


Subtitulado profesional humano

For Live
& Linear TV
Language Channels
language Support
multiple Languages per stream
designed for
HLS Streaming w/ WebVTT
608 captioning
Single for live streaming
Four for broadcast
100+ languages
All character sets
to Latin character set
no hardware required for HLS streaming with webvtt
typically required
no transcoding required for HLS streaming w/webvtt
stream transcoding required for 608 captioning
multiple Languages per stream are possible with HLS streaming with webvtt
Multiple Languages per stream not possible for 608 captioning
Scalable Live
Broadcast TV
29.97 fps
g2 syncwords opinionesTrustpilot syncwords opiniones

Still have questions about live streaming with AI Captions, Subtitles & Dubs using the HLS protocol?

Let SyncWords' Spotlight Series provide the answers to the most asked questions. Watch more on YouTube

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