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How to Add Captions to ON24 With SyncWords

In a previous blog post, team SyncWords gave you a step-by-step account of how to add captions to your Zoom session. We at SyncWords love simplifying your online world for you, so in this blog post we provide a rundown on how to add live captions and subtitles to your ON24 sessions.

SyncWords Adds Value to Virtual Experiences on All Partner Platforms

All throughout this year, we have been making some exciting announcements on the SyncWords blog, including new partnerships, new features, speaking engagements, and what have you. SyncWords has also been regularly giving you tips and tricks for getting the best out of every session captioned and subtitled with SyncWords, so that your viewers can have an immersive 360-degree experience of your content. 

If Zoom is your chosen platform, we have you covered in this tutorial on How to add captions to Zoom events. But why only Zoom? Let’s talk about some of the other platforms as well. As the leading caption provider, SyncWords deployed additional features to help Zoom become more accessible to users worldwide. With the latest roll-out, Zoom users now get to enjoy expanded language support and high-accuracy captioning using SyncWords’ Artificial Intelligence.

ON24 - the webcasting and virtual events platform - has had some great success during the last two years, and SyncWords takes this opportunity to congratulate team ON24 on it. Creating compelling digital experiences and audience engagement has always been at the core of ON24’s vision, - says founder and CEO Sharat Sharan. 

As a pioneer in the art and craft of AI captioning with unrivaled accuracy levels in the industry, SyncWords has been poised to make a difference in the media industry through its services ever since its inception, much like ON24. ON24 is a video conferencing service for webinars, presentations, and meetings. Live event platforms like ON24 are built to embed captions on the same screen the video plays.

If you use ON24, you have come to the right place to figure out how to take your event a notch higher for your users. With SyncWords’ captions, of course.

How to Embed Captions to an ON24 Meeting/Event With SyncWords

Here’s how the SyncWords Live widget can be easily added to the event page so that ON24 users can view live captions and translations during the event: 

1. Log in to your ON24 “Webcast Portal”.  

2. Create a new webcast by selecting the “Create New” option on the left-hand side. 

Add the necessary information to the ON24 window, as shown below, and then select “Create”:

ON24 Guide: adding SyncWords' captions

3. Under the newly created webcast, select “Console Builder”.

4. Select “Widgets” from the top toolbar, as shown below, to bring up the “Widget Manager”.

5. Under the “Widget Manager”, please double click “URL” located at the very bottom of the window. It will open the “URL” window. 

6. Once open, select the “Settings > Configuration” option at the top of your URL window, as shown below:

ON24: adding SyncWords' subtitles

7. Insert the SyncWords Live link (provided by the SyncWords team) in the URL window.  

8. Select “Save” - now, your participants should have access to the Caption Window.


What Adding Captions Can Do For Virtual Events And Webinars

A little recap from the previous post on what exactly captions are and why they are necessary. Captions are textual representations of all audio information present in video files. If you have ever watched TV, you should be aware of Closed Captions that capture words spoken in dialogue, with nametags specifying  the speaker, and sound cues that give the viewer a holistic experience of the watched video. To contextualize captions, they are synchronized with visual content. Here are the key benefits of captioning your video content or virtual meeting.

  • Event/ Meeting Scalability: Recorded content (VOD) can go through a further transformation with the addition of subtitles. Since content is now in text forms, such as caption files and transcripts, these are better indexed by search engines. What’s more: transcripts of your Zoom session can also be downloaded for later consumption and staggered engagement.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Since more people are experiencing the content in both view and text mode, it enables enhanced engagement, as it can be both watched and read at the same time. With translations to 100+ languages via SyncWords, the audience span grows multifold. 
  • Improved Accessibility: If you are in a loud environment, like a café, or a library which is a silent zone, turning on captions can make the Zoom session or video accessible without limitations. 
  • Extended Inclusivity: This feature is crucial for many segments of population, especially ones having hearing problems or learning disabilities, as it ensures a viewing experience as close to the original as possible.
  • Flexible UX: Depending on user need and environment, each Zoom event or meeting can be followed in different modes: with sound on and captions, or just captions. 

Wrapping Up

SyncWords’ focus on innovation is second to none in the captioning industry, with powerful features like AI dictionary and Translation Glossary, making captions accessible for non-English speakers as well. Using SyncWords, ON24 sessions can now be streamed with real-time captions in the original language and subtitled in multiple target languages. Using SyncWords-powered captions and subtitles next time you host an ON24 event could mean the difference between merely having an audience and having a highly engaged audience. Just follow the simple process detailed above to turn on Closed Captions for your next ON24 session and experience the difference it makes to your event.

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Haga que sus eventos virtuales o medios de comunicación sean accesibles y multilingües
Subtítulos para eventos en directo
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  • Asistencia premium
  • 20 años de experiencia
  • Subtítulos humanos y de IA
  • Entrega con un retraso mínimo
  • Traduzca a más de 100 idiomas
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